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Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stress: The Right Way Out.

                                               Photo by Makayla  on Unsplash                                 Lately, the weather has been so hot that it becomes very difficult for people to do things they would normally do in milder weather. And the likelihood of people coming down with heat exhaustion, heat stress or even developing heatstroke is high. What is Heat Exhaustion? Heat exhaustion according to Mayo Clinic is a condition induced by high exposure to a combination of high temperature, high humidity, and strenuous physical activity. It is expressed in the form of heavy sweating, and a rapid pulse; a result of your body’s overheating. What is heat stress? Heat stress on the other hand is a condition where the body overheats and puts stress on the body. This could lead to heat c...

A Woman, not an Object: Recognising Women for Who they are.

Shockingly, society has come to accept the display and use of women as objects of marketing.

 Billboard displays of women and their physical attributes contribute to the continuous flow of cash into the pockets of business executives who see the woman as an object, whose sexuality can be used to promote personal and corporate interests. 

A renowned feminist De Beauvoir once asked, who is a woman? 
This question for many women is not about asserting but an insistence to be treated as equal to the man, a demand to be seen as a complete human who does not need to be broken into parts or viewed as 'the other' in relation to a man.

Every day, I see women especially blacks and those from minority groups deal with the combined actions of racism, and gender oppression acting, hand in hand to promote the objectification of my kind. 

I walk the streets of my neighborhood only to find stares from men who gaze at me and make comments. Comments that fuel in my anger, yes anger that stems from lewd comments which focus on how I look and how to tame aspects of me so I could be called "someone's bitch" a reflection of male attitude which shifts focus from feminine strengths and capabilities to what could be when a woman is used as an object. 

And it gets even worse

While the senseless objectification of women is found in all societies, dealing with the dire consequences it leaves in the lives of its victims can be agonizing. Plus, comprehending how black women live in cultures and communities, where perception is shaped not just by gender but by race, status, age, and the likes. Socialization within such circles, births men who believe that a woman is only a tool for achieving his purpose whatever that might represent to such men.

The workplace is no different as most offices promote gender inequality and assign roles that depict women as lacking autonomy, objects that can be interchanged at any time, or owned. As such the feelings of women and their expertise are overlooked. 

Often offered a promotion in exchange for sex, women suffer victimization and harassment limiting her chances of growth. Rationality a major aspect of humanity is lost in this depraved lifestyle, one which trashes value and has no regard for the dignity of fellow humans.
Still, she rises above the forces meant to hold her down, a testament to how the woman is capable of achieving growth and success without the help of the man because she is wired by nature to be tough and resilient, and When given the opportunity and support, she surpasses all expectations.  

A Passing Reflection 

Alas, I look in the mirror and all I see is what more needs to be done on a body that is already perfect. I was born perfect. But subconsciously many of my kind choose to go under the knife as a result of a distorted self-image, paying enhanced attention to physical looks as against seeing the complete person. 

Again I insist whatever color my skin reveals that I am bold, sound, and beautiful. Many unlucky females have ended up in a state of depression since the human body has a limit to which it can be altered before it bows to disastrous consequences on both physical and mental wellbeing. 

Body shame, feelings of anxiety, and depression sets in for people who are affected by how they are perceived. Rationality a key of humanity is lost in this depraved lifestyle which trashes value and gives no regard for the dignity of fellow humans. 

Women with cheating spouses can relate to the feeling of feeling used only as an object to satisfy the sexual appetite and cast aside once satisfied. Like an Orange sucked completely and tossed into a trash can. Treated solely as a means for sexual gratification.

“… if I yield myself completely to another and obtain the person of the other in return, I win myself back; I have given myself up as the property of another, but in turn, I take that other as my property, and so win myself back again in winning the person whose property I have ” Immanuel Kant

 Kant aptly says that there is inequality when the woman relinquishes her body totally to the man but does not receive a total surrender from the man. Plus, the man, who has sex with several women and does not completely surrender his body to any of the women prevents them from possessing his person as he does theirs. 

When this happens, the woman eventually loses her person and is made ‘into a thing’

But the man walks on without shame while everything special to the woman her humanity, her person is reduced to a thing, a mere object to be used only as a sexual instrument by a man. 

This is why more cases of raping me murder popping up everywhere and every day because the woman is seen only as an object. With raging testosterone let loose on objects of pleasure, innocent women and girls whose only crime is being born beautiful get raped.  

Some of these women never survive the gruesome ordeal and are sometimes repeatedly raped even after death. What drives these cringe-worthy actions if not the belief that the woman is only a tool to be used for the satisfaction of the man and discarded when of no use. 

Who is most affected?

Some may argue that objectification can happen to both sexes, however, daily events indicate that women continue to be the victims of this practice with women of a color most hit. I am a woman of color and my kind suffer the pain and humiliation of objectification. Some others insist that women aid them, that a prostitute willingly gives out herself to be treated as seem pleasing to in client in exchange for the money.
While prostitution is morally frowned at, the limited options available to these sets of women considering their peculiar circumstances and the desire to bridge financial gaps drive their choice. Still, there are limits to what can be done to these women. 

The lives and voices of women are important and should be respected at all times. Plus, we can not totally absolve society of all faults because of the deeply rooted inequality in society and the need for women to meet up and provide for themselves and sometimes for their family. 

As the prevailing economic situation worsens, more women may take to this route and sacrifice every semblance of humanity if it gets them out of the gutters. 
Who's a fault is it? 

Is it the woman who must survive or society that continues to enable men while providing disproportionate systems for women to succeed. Who is to blame?


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